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    Our Impact




    We understand that the need to support and participate in great causes from all over the planet.  We would like to focus on the younger generations.

    ILSOFOIR aims to make an impact by : 

    • Initiating incentives to encourage international connections. 


    • Enhancing intercultural awareness of young generation 

    We strongly believe that this alternative and complementary educational path broadens horizons, gives people different life perspectives, and cultivates inspiration and hope.

    We do not intend to change the world; people only change when they want to. Instead, we commit to stimulating people’s minds and introduce ideas so they pursue change in a natural process.

    ILSOFOIR aims to stand by them, nurture them, and guide them during their journey, by ensuring they realize there are countless possibilities. For that reason we create the environment through tangible incentives and collaborations that gives them the individual space to understand life’s potential and truly choose a direction instead of drifting into one.

    Although we are still at launch phase, with the above we state our intention to impact young people and their lives. More news on this exciting development is coming soon!

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